Giving Tuesday/ Giving Everyday #inspiration from VT's LGBTQ young people

Today marks Giving Tuesday, a call to neighbors to donate to the small non-profits that keep vital services available in our communities. It's not the only day out of the year that we ask for your support, but it is an important one in contrast to the crush of holiday chaos and cold weather which remind us that not everyone has access to the warmth and safety of a home. Donations, no matter how big or small, allow us to provide flexible supports to meet the needs of our community.
We'd like to take a minute to thank a recent donor, Burr and Burton's GLOW (Gay Lesbian or Whatever) group in Manchester. The GLOW group was researching what issues impact LGBTQ youth and learned that more than 1 in 4 teens are thrown out of their homes after coming out to their families, and that LGBTQ youth make up just 7% of the general youth population, but p 40% of the homeless youth population nationally. These numbers inspired the group to hold a bake sale at their school and donate proceeds to VCRHYP while raising awareness of LGBTQ issues. Young people are inspiring us everyday through raising their voices and taking action. We can't thank them enough!
Also- these cookies look amazing. We wished they had sent us any leftovers, but we doubt there were any. :)